Feeling out of synch? Time for grounding

branch with autumn berries

Hello from cold, dreary Massachusetts! Well, today is damp and gloomy anyway, and this time of year can feel especially draining. Although I’ve spent much of my life in New England, when daylight savings time ends in November it always comes as a shock. Some inner part of me must anticipate this annual shift, but I guess it’s not a very conscious part. The 4pm sunsets are always jarring.

When I’m feeling out of synch with the time, the weather, and my schedule, or if I’m repeatedly waking up depleted, scattered, foggy, or overwhelmed, I know it’s time to do some grounding. Connecting the root chakra to the Earth provides a deep sense of stability and support while aligning the body to seasonal rhythms. Now is an especially apt time before all the year-end festivities, pressures, and triggers start to accumulate.

The easiest way to ground your energy is to get outside and “commune” with nature—touch the ground, a tree, a rock, some water, preferably with your bare feet, but hands will do in a pinch. Fortify and reinforce that electromagnetic exchange. Not particularly appealing on a day like today, but perhaps you’re somewhere more sun-kissed! Either way, just a few intentional moments in contact with nature can be deeply settling. Here I wrote in more detail about a few of my go-to grounding practices.

For some extra uplift and support, consider joining me in one of my online chakra balancing groups. Participants report a warm, welcoming, and inspiring experience. And as always I’m available for one-on-one sessions for deeper attention and care.

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


Immune-boosting energy balancing practices


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