Keeping cool when you’re on the fritz

sparklers drawing lines in the air

It’s been an intense July, hasn’t it? I know plenty of people who really come alive in the summer, and yet excessive heat, smokey air, torrential rains, and everything that comes with changing weather patterns and political inaction can make it hard for all of us to keep our cool.

Whether it’s weather or something else that’s triggering your stress response — the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn state — it’s important to know how to turn off the cascade of stress hormones and recover your calm. Even when we’re not actually under threat our bodies can react as though they are, and our health and well-being suffers. This summer is presenting lots of opportunities to practice!

I have found that these methods below help keep my mind, body, and spirit from going on the fritz. Give them a try! And join me in a one-on-one session or an online group session if you’re feeling haywire and need a system reset.

Sitali Breath

This simple breathing exercise is a perfect practice for preventing meltdowns of all kinds — it cools and calms your mind, body, and spirit.

Roll your tongue into a u-shape and stick it out from between pursed lips. If you can’t roll your tongue (it’s genetic!), just purse your lips into an o-shape and press your tongue behind the upper teeth. Take long slow breaths in through the mouth, like sipping air through a straw. Then close your mouth and exhale slowly through the nose. Repeat for 5-10 breaths. Notice how much cooler you feel already, and continue as needed!

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Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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