Energy hygiene for back-to-school

small birds nest with four eggs

Did you know that eggshells are semi-permeable? I just learned that. Like our skin and our cell membranes, the shell offers protection as a barrier while allowing some materials to pass through.

Energetically we actually look a bit like eggs. The outer layers of our energy fields form a kind of oval around our physical bodies, and they also provide a similar type of barrier — some energies and frequencies are allowed into our system, some are repelled or blocked.

While many people develop a “thick skin,” a fairly robust barrier, others have porous energy fields with an almost sponge-like quality. This openness and receptivity can be a gift, enabling people to experience empathy, sensitivity, and deep connection with the world around them. However, it can also be a challenge to manage so much “input,” especially as not all of it will be light and uplifting. And sometimes people don’t even realize that the heaviness, fogginess, or irritability they’re feeling is someone else’s energy they’ve picked up.

This time of year can be particularly challenging as many of us transition to spending more time indoors. Our systems have to contend with a thicker stew of energies end emotions in the vicinity. You might be noticing the effects of “energetic detritus” in your kids or in yourself — overwhelm, crankiness, emotional swings, and general over-saturation. We are exposed to more than we realize. While things like hand-washing are important, making a practice of also tending to “energy hygiene” can do wonders for your overall well-being.

Below I share a few simple practices that can help boost your shell’s resilience and keep your energy clear and flowing. Give them a try, and consider sharing with any sensitive folks in your life!

Energy Hygiene

If you spend a lot of time in crowded, enclosed public places (schools, hospitals, planes/trains/buses, shopping centers, etc.), you’re likely swimming in and affected by some intense energies. Try some of these practices, below. Your immune system will also love them!

Smooth & Seal your Shell
After taking a few deep centering breaths, rub palms together to generate some charge, then extend arms out with palms flat and facing out. You will be touching the edge of your energy field, more or less. Using your flat palms, smooth out your field like it’s the inside of a shell all around you. Sweep in front, behind, and to the sides, top to bottom, noticing the sensations in your palms and following your intuition if some areas need a bit more attention. To support the “sealing up” aspect, I like to set the intention as I go: “This is me, this is mine.” Finish with a few breaths of gratitude. Do whenever you might want to fortify your boundaries.

Shaking the Bones
This Qi Gong exercise demonstrated by Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson is great for clearing off emotional and energetic build up from the day. While this practice involves rhythmic shaking with a regulated breath, any kind of shaking with intention can help move and clear energy. Put on some music and shake it off!

General Suggestions:

  • Incorporate fresh air breaks throughout the day. Even just one minute of intentional breathing outside can be a great reset. Pretend you need a smoke!

  • Spend time in nature (around trees and/or running water if possible) whenever you have the opportunity.

  • Add vigorous, intentional breath and movement practices to your day or week.

  • Take occasional Epsom salt baths or foot soaks, which are great for clearing energetic schmutz.

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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