Year-end energy accounting: who are you minding?

Quote on side of brick building

I went to my college reunion recently, and when walking around the campus I re-encountered this quote etched into the side of the philosophy department building: “What is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him?”

If you were raised with a biblical education, perhaps you’d recognize that it’s a quote from the Book of Psalms and that “Thou” is referring to God. I was not and did not. My reading of the quote back in the day—as a budding progressive feminist—was basically: “Why do you care so much about men??” It struck me as cheeky and ironic, given its location. A bit of a jab at those (mostly male) philosophers inside.

Decades later, the question has taken on a slightly different meaning for me. I now read it as: “Who are you ‘minding,’ and why?”

This question feels particularly suitable for year-end reflection. We have only so much mental and emotional energy, and yet it is so easy to spend it mindlessly. Moreover, acts like holding a grudge, being judgmental or critical, blaming, holding expectations, or bracing for unwanted behaviors can create rigidity in the energy field. In addition to feeling constrictive, draining, and exhausting, it keeps us from having enough energy to invest in positive and productive relationships.

Are you being mindful of who you’re minding? Now might be the perfect time to do some energy accounting and enter the new year with reclaimed and refreshed energy stores. Are there entanglements or distractions you can leave behind? Anyone whose mental or emotional grip you might release with compassion and forgiveness?

I describe a few different practices you can do on your own here, and each month in my online group sessions I guide participants in a similar process. Join me!

Many thanks for reading and reflecting. Sending wishes for a peaceful end to 2022 and a bright, open, flourishing 2023!

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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