3 steps to center in spirally times

making a pot on a pottery wheel

Spring has been wonky so far, hasn’t it? It’s not hard to point to any number of potential causes for the tense and destabilizing “vibes” that seem to be putting people on edge. Politics? Pollen? The planets? If you have been affected, I hope you are making time to get centered.

When you’re feeling unmoored, askew, roller-coastery, or spiraling, re-anchoring in your center is an essential first step for recovering a sense of clarity and presence. From there it’s possible to respond to challenges with intention and care instead of reactivity.

One of the first things I assess in clients is their vertical alignment. Is their energy centered or is it pitching forward, leaning back, twisting, or maybe spun out of the body? Each orientation suggests particular challenges. Like a clay pot being formed on the potter’s wheel, being even slightly off-center can really throw everything out of whack, especially as the pace or pressure picks up.

Can you spare a minute or two right now to recover your center? Being centered energetically means being present, and being present — not anticipating, resisting, denying, avoiding, or trying to control — automatically brings calm. Below I share a simple three-step practice to help you get there.

If “calm and centered” doesn’t feel accessible to you because of the scope or intensity of your current challenges, you could probably use some personalized care and support. Come unwind and recharge on my table in Amherst, or schedule a phone session to work from the comfort of your home. If you’re new to energy healing and chakra balancing and are curious about how it might help you, I invite you to try out an online group session. I’m offering two this month, details here.

Three Steps to Center

I always start energy balancing practices by rubbing my palms together for a few breaths. This stimulates numerous nerve endings and energy meridians and signals to the body that it can switch out of high alert mode.

  1. Sway
    Cross your arms in front of your chest, one hand tucked into an armpit and the other grasping your upper arm, if that feels comfortable. Begin swaying your upper body slowly back and forth, gently shifting your weight from one hip to the other, like you're listening to your favorite slow jam. You can close your eyes if that feels good. Keep at it for at least 30 seconds, breathing naturally. Never tried rocking yourself before? While it might seem strange, it can activate a deep, visceral sense of calm and security.

  2. Align

    Next place one hand on the lower belly about two inches below the navel and one hand on the upper chest, in line with your spine. If this is not possible for you physically, use your intention and awareness instead. Let your weight settle into your seat (or your feet if standing). Notice what is happening between your two hands. Are they vertically stacked? If not, readjust your posture. Notice what you had to correct and whether it feels comfortable or challenging to be vertically aligned. Can you imagine a current running right in front of your spine that plugs into the ground and also extends upwards? Allow yourself to accept that this current is real, and set your intention to align with it.

  3. Breathe

    Bring a soft smile to your lips. Visualize each in-breath filling your lungs with hope, inspiration, and uplift. Let each exhale extend for as long as possible. Imagine breathing in and out through the soles of your feet for a few breaths, in and out through the palms of your hands for a few breaths, then in and out through the vertical light current. Check your posture and realign if needed. Notice what shifts. You might be starting at “everything is trash!” but see how quickly you may get to “here I am breathing, here comes another nourishing breath, emotions are temporary, change is inevitable, this too shall pass.” Repeat as needed!

Find additional calming, centering, soothing practices here.

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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