Want to know what you know?

weathervane and blue sky

How do you tend to make decisions? Do you go with your first instinct no matter what? Do you weigh pros and cons, ask a trusted friend (or many!) for advice, read articles, fret and fuss? Or maybe you put off choosing until it’s almost too late and then let circumstances decide for you?

While I have done all of the above at different times, more and more I’m making an effort to skip all the hemming and hawing and instead turn to intuitive guidance. I get quiet, grounded, and still, then I tap into a source of wisdom that is not exactly my gut, not exactly my mind, but a third thing that is not based on thinking or feeling but simply knowing. An inner voice that sounds like me and yet isn’t bound by my particular neuroses and limitations.

Krishnamurti called intuition “the whisper of the soul,” and we need to practice getting quiet enough to hear it. I’ve found that checking in with and following my intuition over time has made the voice a bit louder and more confident, which has reinforced my willingness to surrender to its wisdom.

I’ll share one recent example. Earlier this year I was trying to decide whether to sign up for a training I had been wanting to do for years. I just wasn’t sure about the expense and logistical challenges it would require. After lots of back-and-forthing in my mind — my pros and cons list ended in a stalemate, as it often does — I remembered that I could just check my inner compass. (It’s still something I forget about from time to time.)

So I got quiet, grounded, and still, and I got a clear no. I was really surprised! If I had gotten a yes as expected, I would have put aside any hesitations and done whatever was necessary to make it work. Instead, I gave myself permission not to go. And then, by not ruminating in circles or second-guessing or what-iffing, I had more energy to focus elsewhere.

How do I know whether I made the “right” decision? I really only know that I choose to follow my intuition and trust that it knows best. After all, we can always justify any choices in retrospect, and even “bad” experiences can be reframed as learning opportunities. (I did happen to learn that the training was cancelled at the last minute because of a plumbing emergency. Phew!)

Learning to tap into and develop a relationship with this source of inner wisdom has been life-changing for me. Are you interested in an alternative to making choices out of fear, anger, hurt, lack, comparison, external expectations, or reactivity? Would you like to get better acquainted with your intuition and discover what you really know?

Next month I am offering a two-hour online workshop where we’ll learn and practice some different approaches, including the one I rely on almost exclusively these days. See details below. I hope you’ll join!

Let’s Get Intuitive!
2-hour zoom workshop
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
7 - 9pm EST

Register by May 1st: $55
After May 1st: $65

“You get your intuition back when you make space for it, when you stop the chattering of the rational mind. The rational mind doesn't nourish you. You assume that it gives you the truth, because the rational mind is the golden calf that this culture worships, but this is not true. Rationality squeezes out much that is rich and juicy and fascinating.” - Anne Lamott

Listening to and following the whisper of your intuition brings greater clarity, confidence, self-awareness, and a deeper connection to the “rich and juicy and fascinating” parts of life. I have found that practicing in a group is a great way to enhance access and improve accuracy.

In this two-hour session we will learn and practice five key steps for accurate and reliable intuition:

  • calm and quiet external interference

  • establish clear boundaries and parameters

  • open and access high sensory perception

  • use discernment to distinguish between intuition and fear or judgement

  • follow and repeat to develop a fruitful and trusting relationship with your inner wisdom

The session will combine personal inquiry, focused chakra work, and individual and group exercises. The material and practices are intended for everyone — beginners just starting out as well as pros looking for some new techniques or just a fun and supportive group experience.

My goal is for participants to take away: a new way of orienting yourself in the world, a tool-box of techniques to access and interpret intuitive guidance, plus inspiration, support, and confidence.

Are you hearing a big “yes”? Join me!

Register by May 1st: $55
After May 1st: $65

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


Is your intuition getting a busy signal?


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